And by building composite applications, you can get quick access to your business information in one view. 并且通过构建复合应用程序,您可以在一个视图中快速访问业务信息。
Integrated into the Application Development perspective, the Brokers view gives you quick access to basic administration tasks while you are developing and testing Message Broker solutions. 集成到ApplicationDevelopment透视图中的Brokers视图使您能够在开发和测试MessageBroker解决方案时快速访问基本的管理任务。
Provides quick access to resource-appropriate editors and wizards 提供对适用于不同资源的的编辑器和向导的快速访问
Gain quick access to cloud resources that help you load test your application in a real-world environment. 快速访问云资源可以帮助您在真实环境中对应用程序进行负载测试。
You have quick access to the Apache access log and error log for: your production ( public) site, the private site ( that hosts all of the tools like phpMyAdmin and JAWStats), and a staging site. 您可以针对以下站点快速访问Apache的访问日志和错误日志:产品(公开)站点、私有站点(驻留所有工具,比如phpMyAdmin和JAWStats)和测试站点。
IBM Lotus Domino Web Access Lite mode provides users with quick access to Mail, Contacts, and a Day-At-A-Glance calendar. IBMLotusDominoWebAccessLite模式使用户能够快速访问邮件、联系人和Day-At-A-Glance日历。
Want quick access to your data anywhere, even at remote locations? 希望在任何地方,甚至是远程位置快速访问数据吗?
The Launch Pad for quick access to applications, tasks, and links 快速访问应用程序、任务和链接的LaunchPad
You can also use it to your favorite folders onto the Quick Access Toolbar. 您也可以利用它把您最喜爱的文件夹拖放到快速访问工具栏中。
Click the move up and move down arrow buttons to arrange the commands in the order in which you want them to appear on the quick access toolbar. 单击“上移”和“下移”箭头按钮安排命令,按照您希望这些命令在“快速访问工具栏”上出现的顺序排列它们。
In word, you can add the AutoFormat command to the quick access toolbar. 在word中,您可以向“快速访问工具栏”添加“自动套用格式”命令。
No screen real estate is wasted to give you quick access to commonly used commands and activities and to control and modify your project and solutions. 屏幕上的每一块区域都可以让你快速访问到常用的命令,执行常用的操作以及对项目和解决方案的控制与修改。
Use a desktop shortcut for quick access to the shared files and folders on every computer on your network. 使用桌面快捷方式快速访问网络中每台计算机共享的文件和文件夹。
You can also still use the AutoFormat command, but you need to add the command to the Quick Access Toolbar first. 您仍然可以使用“自动套用格式”命令,但是需要首先将该命令添加到快速访问工具栏。
There is a very simple Quick Access Control GUI for basic tasks and the standard GUI for more advanced task. 有一个非常简单的快速访问控制界面的基本任务和标准的图形用户界面更高级的任务。
Research on Quick Access in Database of DTS DTS数据库中数据的快速存取研究
Add the menus and toolbars to the Quick Access Toolbar, and you even can use Office without the ribbon. 菜单和工具栏添加到快速访问工具栏,你甚至可以使用不带色带办公室。
A closed-door policy would be greatly to our disadvantage; we would not even have quick access to information. 实行关闭政策的做法对我们极为不利,连信息都不灵通。
Research on quick access in Oracle database based on OCL technology 基于OCL技术的Oracle数据库数据快速存取研究
There should also be quick access to custom and standard reports by category; 还应当自定义快速访问和分类标准的报告;
It provides quick access to frequently requested pages, thereby reducing strain on the database, and provides single-source simplicity for managing exactly what's being stored, and for how long. 它提供了对频繁请求的页面的快速访问,从而减小了数据库的压力,并且为准确管理要存储哪些内容以及存储多长时间提供了单源简单性。
Setup can automatically create a shortcut to the Mobile Devices folder for quick access. 安装程序可以自动创建移动设备文件夹的快捷方式,以加快访问。
This paper introduces how to utilize sports information resources on the internet and provides relative websites to that quick access can be attained to consult the sports information. 介绍了因特网上体育信息资源的利用及有关体育的信息资源,并提供了相关的网址,利用这些网站可方便快捷地查询体育方面的信息。
In addition, scientific writing expects authors to ( 1) organize for quick access to specific sections; 此外,科学写作期望作者:(1)组织用于科学部分的快速访问;
Bookmark up to32 characters for quick access. 书签最多32个字符,以便快速存取。
Click send to mail recipient, and then click Add to add the command to the quick access toolbar. 单击“发送至邮件收件人”,然后单击“添加”以向快速访问工具栏添加该命令。
The quick access is a very helpful feature, thank you. 快速通道是一个非常有用的功能,谢谢。
The advanced distributed database replication technology is a key element, as to provide a quick access ability and data share. 其核心技术是分布式数据库高级复制技术,以提供快速访问共享数据的能力。
Add shortcuts to Web pages and even to folders on your computer for quick access. 添加网页或计算机文件夹的快捷方式,以便快速访问。
This allows for quick access to files. 这种做法能够快速访问文件。